Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jamie, The Procrasinator - What's new in Toledo.

This blog has been a long time in the making... as I've been promising to update our old web page for years now and never got around to it. You can always tell when people are behind in what's going on in your life when your dad calls just to say "What's new in Toledo?"... and when this happens, you know it's your own fault.

So everyone: Meet Jamie, the procrastinator.

Yes, most of you have already met me, and already know that I have a tendency to just let things slide away from my focus never to be seen or heard from again... but I promise to try to do better this time!

So what's new in Toledo??

Jamie is still looking for work. I had what I believe to be an awesome interview yesterday, and I'm hopeful that the job will be mine. I should know by the end of the week and our fingers are crossed. She has also requested that the old boss only communicates by mail, and HOPES that she will no longer be receiving non-stop calls from him.

Josh is thinking about taking on a second job, hopefully one with health insurance this time, and has finally gotten his schedule worked out to his satisfaction for the time being.

Jocelyn remains to be the "Pretty-girl-tomboy" and has recently decided to try to enter the world of becoming a Fashion Diva like her cousin Allie-Boo (See picture below). Everyday she seems to get cuter, and a little wiser, and now wants to wear lip gloss all the time: If we're having this many problems controlling her cuteness at age 6, I have a feeling we're in DEEP TROUBLE when the teenage years roll around!

As for all of us:

We're currently sending prayers upwards and love toward Alabama for our baby cousin Hadlei Grace, who's having severe medical issues and has not been doing well.

We're in the process of trying to refinance the car for a lesser payment each month... we should hear today (hopefully) and our fingers are crossed.

We are enjoying having Amber, Jamie's Cousin, as a guest, and Jocelyn is very happy to have someone new to try to impress every day. Zappa the dog has even spent a lot of time trying to squeeze some attention out of her lol.

Other than that... the only other new thing in Toledo is this blog, and hopefully the posts will be new on a regular basis too LOL!

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