Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another achievement that broke Mom's Heart

It's official - Jocelyn has lost her first tooth! It seems like yesterday she was just 5 pounds 2 ounces and a couple of hours old... and suddenly she's getting ready to go into first grade, reading me books at night (when she's home), and losing teeth! Where does the time go?

I'll admit it, I'm a little broken hearted that she lost her first tooth last night, because...well, she wasn't home. Spending yet another night with "Mimi" and "Aunt Doe Doe", playing with her cousins, 'Allie Boo' and 'Bubba'. I'll admit that I have been a bit stressed and it was nice to have some quiet in which to get some sleep, but man, do I miss her when she's gone. I was hoping the tooth would wait a while, that it could pop out the minute she got home with me, and I would finally get to experience a "first" of my own.

You see, when I had to work and Jossy was with Aunt Doe Doe, she said her first word. It was the same way with her first steps. She told Aunt Doe Doe about the first boy she thought was cute... and now Aunt Doe Doe can also claim the first lost tooth. Makes me wish that I had the ability to be a stay at home mom... I feel like I've missed so much... even though I know that I haven't. 

So there you have it, once again, I'm jealous of my sister... 

But without any further ado, here's the absolutely adorable Jocelyn, missing a tooth in that beautiful smile :o) :

1 comment:

  1. The only "first" that Aunt Doe Doe claims is her first blowing kiss! That is the only one I take full responsibility for!
