Saturday, June 12, 2010

Finding my source of calm....

Do you ever feel like you're constantly trying to climb up a mountain, but never manage to find the top? Sometimes you even get disoriented and can't figure out where the next step should go...what your next move should be? Well yesterday afternoon was a lousy one for sure... and I have found myself on a bit of a ledge, stuck trying to decide where I should go next. 

Today is a day for just sitting, relaxing and trying to reset. My mother has said so many times "this too shall pass" in my lifetime, and today I'm trying so hard to remember that... times are tough, but we can get through this... I know we can.

On a brighter note, it's amazing how much a simple hug from the monkey can help! A smile, a laugh, a hug, a kiss. Just her general silliness can make a day brighter, so when I had a bad day yesterday, I went to see the monkey - and felt significantly better by the time I got home.

So, I'll share one of my favorite photos of my beautiful, silly little girl- and use it to find the calm we need in the house today!

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