Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day Trippin.....

What a day!

This morning Jocelyn and I awoke early, drove over to my sister's house, and took a nice, adventurous day trip to several locations.

We started at an African Safari Park, where we had the best time watching Jocelyn feed the multitude of animals, including Buffalo (all of which are named Buffy according to Jocelyn), Llamas, Deer, some Alpacas, Longhorn Steer, and... of course, a Giraffe (!) and a Zebra! Also, we got to go see an animal show, where Jocelyn got to pet a hedgehog and a racoon, and then we both proceeded to hold a HUGE Burmese Python while it poured down rain!

After this adventure place (and 2 runs through the Safari), we drove over to see the Marblehead Lighthouse, which was unfortunately closed to tours because of lightening and bad weather. We did get to enjoy the beautiful coastline view, including all the roller coasters at Cedar Point!

After this, we ran over to the Prehistoric Forest and Mystery Hill. Mystery Hill is hard to explain, but a sense of unbalance due to strong gravity forces is at play here...and yes, Jamie the clutz somehow managed to fall UPHILL (unfortunately, no photo, but it would have been a hilarious one I have no doubt). After that, we went to the Prehistoric Forest, where we knew the dinosaurs were fake, but didn't know that the prehistoric mosquitoes were VERY real, and apparently immune to OFF bug repellent, because I was eaten alive by these monstrous things!

After a quick jaunt over to a store to buy some Benadryl to reduce the swelling in my alleric-to-mosquitoes bite riddled body...and finding out that we were both PROUD AUNTS and Jocleyn was a new Cousin because my brother Mike's SON WAS BORN (YAY FOR RATBOY JUNIOR!!!!).....we stopped over at a store called Cheese Haven. This store had basically every kind of cheese you could think of. Jocelyn, my own little self-proclaimed 'cheese freak' had the time of her life sampling all of the different aged cheeses they had to offer, and eventually decided on a 4-year old cheddar as being her favorite. The guy behind the counter thought she was so cute and funny, that he even cut off a huge chuck of 18-year old cheddar for her to try (about $10 worth of cheese for free), and she actually really liked it. Dori and I took a bite of it, and we don't recommend it at all- it took hours to get the taste out of our mouths! Side note: Joshua also enjoyed the taste of the really old cheese lol

Then we headed back toward home with a quick stop at Maumee Bay State Park. The view was beautiful, Jocelyn enjoyed playing on the playground, and I got stung by a bee (thank goodness I already had Benadryl on board!). 

Once home, we grabbed some dinner, and then hung out at the ugly-sister's house to wait out what could have been a much worse storm than it was... and then I headed back home without the monkey- who was Completely and utterly OUT COLD on the couch.

All in all, it was a fantastic day full of fun-filled activities, and a lot of memories that I hope all 3 of us will carry for a lifetime.

3 Cheers for Day-Tripping! Thanks ugly sister... it was a great day!


  1. I cannot believe that you left out Cheese Haven!

  2. I couldn't either- but I was pretty sleepy when I wrote it lol.... it has been edited now, and everything (I think) is included! lol
