Saturday, November 6, 2010

A long-lost friend...

Have you ever stopped to look at yourself from an outsider's perspective? To look at your behavior and your attitude and your worries from a place not quite so introspective? When you do, big things seem smaller, and smaller things seem bigger... at least they do to me.

I'm trying to figure things out, to figure out myself, and it's not the easiest of processes. I seem to wear so many hats and bear so many responsibilities...that I can't figure out where what I want to do and what I need to do collide. Sometimes I feel like the "me" that made me who I am has gotten lost in the process of growing up... of taking care of business. I catch a glimpse of her in the mirror from time to time, when I find something fun that I enjoy, no matter how short of a time that lasts. I smile at her, like she's a long-lost friend... and that somehow seems so...wrong to me lately. So I'm going to try really hard to find her again and make sure that she's not so lost.

So the first step that I'll have to take: organize my life... get things together and straight. It will be hard work, it will take some time, but once I get everything in it's right place, then I can start finding time to find myself again.

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